> On 29 Feb 2024, at 08:22, Shumon Huque <shu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 3:59 PM Edward Lewis <edward.le...@icann.org> wrote:
> On 2/27/24, 17:09, "DNSOP on behalf of John Levine" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org 
> on behalf of jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
> >    The kind of load is different but in each case the client needs to
> >    limit the amount of work it's willing to do. We can forbid it in the
> >    protocol but unless you have better contacts at the Protocol Police
> >    than I do, people will do it anyway.
> I side with John Levine's line of reasoning, that the solution is defending 
> against taking on too much work (in this case, the validator caps it's effort 
> - in whatever way is appropriate).  It would be futile to prevent key tag 
> collisions from happening via a protocol change as a malicious actor is not 
> bounded by specifications.
> If it is forbidden in the protocol, it might still happen.
> Yeah, as you might guess from my past messages on this thread, I am of the 
> same opinion. There is a general principle about limiting work that resolvers 
> need to follow, and this recent attack (like many others before it) exploited 
> resolvers that failed to sensibly do that. The novel thing in KeyTrap is that 
> it exploited a failure to bound cryptographic work, but the same principle 
> applies.
> Here's my minor restatement of the resolver's top priority from RFC 1034:
>       Bound the amount of work (e.g. packets sent, parallel processes
>       started, computations performed, time spent) so that a request
>       can't get into an infinite loop, start off a chain reaction or
>       unreasonably lengthy sequence of tasks, requests or queries,
> In the parenthetical examples of bounding work, I've added "computations 
> performed" and "time spent". 
> And in the uppercased "EVEN IF" phrase, I've added "MALICIOUS CONFIGURED".
> I think the specific case of keytag collisions does deserve some special 
> thought though. Even if resolvers limit the number of collisions, it's in a 
> zone owner's interest to not have them at all. Colliding keytags in the 
> DNSKEY RRset means imposing additional unnecessary signature verification 
> work on resolvers for verifying every signed RRset in the response. And for 
> efficiency reasons, a zone owner should want to have their answers accepted 
> by validating resolvers with the minimum amount of work (and no unnecessary 
> work).
> Banning keytag collisions outright today would not be a good idea - we risk 
> rendering some sights unresolvable through no fault of their own. DNSSEC 
> already has plenty of detractors, and we don't want to give them more 
> ammunition by creating problems in the ecosystem that can be easily avoided. 
> I think writing a BCP telling folks how to avoid collisions would make sense 
> though (and yes, it needs to cover the multi-signer case too).
> Shumon.

Sorry this is fuzzy reasoning.  A BCP will never get to the state where the 
validator can actually stop on a single error.  The ONLY way to do that is to 
update the protocol and then wait a while before relying on the new rules in 
the validator.

We did this with EDNS (RFC 6891, April 2013) when we tightened up the unknown 
option behaviour (unspecified -> specified).  The hardest part is getting 
vendors to fix their products.  That was the most important work in 2019.  
After that there was a very rapid reduction in broken servers out there.  It is 
not impossible to do.


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