On 08/05/2014 12:06 PM, Kyra LaRose wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies in advance for such a long intro email.
> I'm Kyra from Canada, and I like cats, a lot. My background is in Media,
> video production and content/copy writing. I have extensive experience with
> word processing software as I worked as a technical writing intern at an
> engineering firm before going into video production. As an intern I was
> required to proof and edit technical documents for grammar, formatting and
> style requirements.
> I'm interested in helping out with producing some documentation with the
> intention of improving my technical writing skills. I do not have much
> programming experience, so some type of end user documentation may be the
> best fit for me. It would be especially helpful for me to produce manuals
> or guides to use as portfolio pieces.
> I also have a fair bit of time right now and am eager to get to work, so
> any rush jobs or something that is available immediately would work well
> for me, assuming there is a need for that type of help.
> I'm currently completing the Level 1 and Level 2 Orientation Modules for
> ASF. I'm happy to receive any feedback, guidance or help and look forward
> to meeting new people and helping out where I can.
> *TL;DR: I have a small amount of experience and am eager to help where
> needed. Preferably with end user manuals or something similar.*
> Thanks!
> Kyra

Hello Kyra and thank you for the nice introduction. Cats rule! :)

[here goes a long response]

I don't know where you are in the orientation right now, but we can
always use more volunteers who like to write, and are good technical

Nearly all our online documentation can be found in the Documentation
area of our MediaWiki at: https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation

So, this means you will likely need to spend some time learning that
environment a little. I don't have any good references for that right at
the moment.

>From what I've seen on this list, most of the efforts have been devoted
to providing new User Guides for our 4.x version. It seems like quite a
bit has been done for the Writer module, but other modules could use
some help to complete.

And that brings me to -- there aren't really any managers or bosses
here. Someone did post the outlines for the User Guide, but these are
not set in cement -- anyone can change them. Tasks are decided mutually
to a certain extent, but this is mostly a very broad brush stroke.

And, you don't HAVE to work on User Guides. You could contribute to
installation instructions, or tips or any area really.

You might want to review the archives for this list (see the mailing
list page for a variety of options --
http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html) to see what's been
discussed in the past.

Thanks again for your interest in volunteering. It sounds like you are a
great candidate to help with documentation.



"For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing."
                                   -- Simon Wiesenthal

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