On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 03:18:38PM +0200, Peter Ring wrote:
> Sorry, not enough coffee. 


> But now that we are at it, do you know if there are any other good free
> (GPL, BSD, whatever) tools for authoring and rendering MathML besides Amaya,
> PassiveTeX and a few other?

Not really.  However, Amaya uses ThotLib definitions for MathML, so
that one could reuse this with little effort in another ThotLib-based
editor (and BTW, that's what I intend to do for ThotBook (for which,
BTW, we start to have something to show - I'll add screenshots soon at

Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.alcove.com/
Free-Software Engineer                                Ingénieur Logiciel-Libre
Free-Software time manager             Responsable du temps Informatique-Libre

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