On Fri, 2001-10-26 at 19:06, Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
> Hello,
> OpenDocs publishing is considering publishing the 2.02 version of DocBook
> the Definitive Guide. We have talked with OReilly and they are o.k. with
> us publishing it (it is GFDL).
> My question is; would you buy it? Is it useful?

It's useful, but not much more so than the original version.  There are
too many things that still exist from the first version that aren't
relavent anymore.  "Thus and such will change for DocBook 4" is all
over, all of that needs to get cleaned up, and replaced with the current
plans for DocBook 5, and so on).  Without some serious review and
editing, of the above sorts of things, I wouldn't buy it.

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