On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 11:07:10AM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
> So my proposal is that we allow most (all?) inline elements to
> optionally function as simple links. We may also want to allow
> selected other elements (like funcprototype) to function as simple
> links as well.

Which inline elements do you mean here (i.e., which PE definitions)?
Or, do you mean anything that can be found inside of <para>?

There's a reasonably good case for making block elements such as section
and chapter take xlinks as well; it makes it easier to compose larger
works from smaller works without resorting to defining entities in the
local subset, especially when using xlink:show="embed".

(Perhaps this means that there are a class of elements where xlink:show
is only meaningful if it is xlink:show="embed"...)
> For extended links, I'm not sure what makes the most sense. 

For those of us who aren't keeping track of XLink progress, can
you please provide a 30-second refresher of what an extended link
is?  :-)

Thanks muchly,


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