On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 05:47:44PM +0100, Jirka Kosek wrote:
> Norman Walsh wrote:
> > Given a PE like this:
> > 
> > <!ENTITY % xlink-optional-simple-link "
> >    xlink:type      (simple)        #IMPLIED
> I think that there should be #FIXED "simple", so one is not forced to
> add xlink:type="simple" to every start tag with link. This will save
> typing, but make all instances of particular element simple link. I'm
> not sure if this is problem, XLink spec. is quite vague in this topic:

  It's an error in my mind because I definitely want to make use of 
extended linkx and this would make this impossible.

> If there is a way to rename xlink:href in XLink I would say, adopt it

  No, this was beaten to death for 2 years, forget about this.

> Is there anybody who need to use extended links? If there is no stress

  Yes, me. I want to be able to use external link bases containing 
generic indexes for a collections of documents at least.


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