/ Jirka Kosek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| I think that show="embed" is used for including separate objects in
| on-line presentation. If you want to split your document into several
| files you should use entities or XInclude (with parse="xml") langauge. 

Right. XLink embed embeds the *styled representation* not the source.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Doubt is to certainty as neurosis
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | is to psychosis. The neurotic is
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | in doubt and has fears about
                                   | persons and things; the psychotic
                                   | has convictions and makes claims
                                   | about them. In short, the neurotic
                                   | has problems, the psychotic has
                                   | solutions.--Thomas Szasz

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