On 11/06/2011, at 8:33, Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi Jean,
> Jean Weber schrieb:
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2011, Regina Henschel<rb.hensc...@t-online.de>  wrote:
>>> Hi planas,
>>> planas schrieb:
>>> Regina
>>> On Fri, 2011-06-10 at 19:21 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:
>>> Hi documentation members,
>>> I'm looking for a place to collect little tips and explanations, for
>>> example "Why results the formula =-2^3 in 9?" or "Calc calcutates wrong!
>>> 9.87€ + 6.54€ results in 16.42€."
>>> And also a place for HowTos, which are not a FAQ and which are to small
>>> for a guide, but might be useful. For example an explanation, how to get
>>> the coefficients of an interpolation polynomial.
>>> It should be outside of your documentation workflow and needs to be
>>> easily edited, but have a basic predefined structure.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Regina
>>> Could this be integrated with the blog. We have a few how to blogs
>>> already.
>>> If it is "blog" as I understand blogs, then it will not be suitable. It is 
>>> necessary, that it can be edited. It must be possible to correct errors, to 
>>> add or remove something later on, to write mathematical content, to add 
>>> pictures.
>>>  I think any LO related topic could be discussed in a blog or
>>> wiki. The difference, I believe, is the target with the blog being
>>> straightforward how-tos or why-tos and the wiki having more depth for
>>> topics.
>>> Please have a look at our German Wiki http://www.libreofficewiki.de/. I 
>>> look for something similar in English.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Regina
>> We can make a section on the English docs wiki. A page was set up
>> awhile ago as a start for howtos but there is not yet any structure
>> for the items included.
> Without a basic structure it will end up in a jumble. So such a structure is 
> welcomed.
>> Entries on the blog can be edited but only by people with a blog
>> account and editor permissions. The blog can include pictures but I am
>> not sure how much maths it can handle.
>> One possibility is to put the info on the wiki and then make a blog
>> entry linking to it. Or put the info in both places when the item is
>> suitable. The short tips would be good for the blog.
>> One advantage of the blog is that with tags and categories, it is easy
>> to search and a lot of ordinary users are familiar with searching
>> blogs.
>> With the blog, one person can write a draft and others with blog
>> access can review or edit it before publication. Wordpress is a very
>> versatile and powerful publishing tool which can be used in many
>> different ways.
> I consider "blog account and editor permission" and becoming acquainted with 
> yet another tool to be a too high hurdle. At least I don't like it.
> Kind regards
> Regina

I agree that a structure is essential. And I understand about the hurdle of 
learning a new tool, even an easy one. 

I have now looked at the German wiki pages you referenced. They are much more 
complete and better organised than anything the English team has done. Perhaps 
we should have someone translate these pages to English, if we can find someone 
(more than one person) to do it. Oh, there are so many things we could do if we 
only had enough people to do them!

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