There is absolutely no need to download the wiki....that goes well beyond what I had in mind....


On 05/11/2015 07:50 AM, Alan Cook wrote:
How much disk space would it take?

On 5/10/2015 6:47 PM, Joel Madero wrote:
That's fine - others have volunteered.

On 05/10/2015 02:24 PM, jonathon wrote:
On 04/05/15 02:00, Joel Madero wrote:
Sounds good - interested in helping to coordinate that
After thinking about this for a week or so.

I don't know what the capabilities of the CMS that the wiki uses.

If a notice-template that automatically places the page into a specific
category can be created, then one for each category (Duplicate page,
badly written, outdated, conflicts with, good but not current, good and
current, any other categories needed to clean up pages), be made.
I can walk through the wiki, placing the appropriate notice-template on
the talk page.

Then the "easy hack" for somebody starting out with documentation is ready.

I don't have the disk space to pull the entire wiki onto my laptop, and
throw my tools at it, to determine which pages fall into which categories.


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