On Sun, 24 Aug 2008, Anders Logg wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 03:55:49PM -0400, Shawn Walker wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 Aug 2008, Anders Logg wrote:
>>> The main problem here seems to be how to even represent a higher-order
>>> mesh. Are there any existing conventions for this?
>> Not that I know of, other than the 'obvious' way.
>>> Doing it locally is fine. For each cell, we have a convention for how
>>> we number vertices, edges and faces (it's in the UFC manual) but we
>>> don't have a convention for how to number mesh entities globally.
>>> We could use the dof map (for Lagrange elements) that FFC computes
>>> based on the numbering of mesh entities, but that computation is based
>>> on a global numbering of edges and faces, and that numbering depends
>>> on the algorithm for computing these entities (in TopologyComputation).
>>> So, the only solution I see is to store the coordinates cell-wise,
>>> which would mean duplicating the data, both in the XML file and for
>>> storing the coordinates in MeshGeometry.
>> I think this would be ok.  But it must still be possible to update the
>> mesh geometry (i.e. update the coordinates of all the control points for
>> the curved triangle geometries) in, say, a time-stepping loop.  For
>> example, you would need this for ALE moving mesh applications.  This
>> means you must update the individual cell geometries in a 'compatible'
>> way.  I haven't actually thought about this.  Would this be do-able?  If
>> so, I have no problem with keeping the higher order mesh geometry
>> completely local.  So the question is: "Is it possible to access and
>> change the local higher order mesh geometry such that the higher order
>> mesh coordinates stay consistent?"
>> - Shawn
> Yes, we just need to have a global list of coordinates, and then
> mappings from all cells to the coordinate indices of those cells.
> Then one can move a coordinate once and it will affect all cells
> sharing that coordinate.
> My suggestion would be to have one single list of coordinates like we
> do now in MeshGeometry. The first N coordinates would be the vertex
> coordinates (like now) and then the remaining coordinates (if any)
> would be stored per cell, so that coordinate N is the coordinate for
> the first edge midpoint of the first cell, coordinate N + 1 is the
> coordinate for the second edge midpoint of the first cell etc.

ok, just to be clear, you mean:

Have a list of coordinates of length N+Q, where 0 through N-1 is for 
the coordinates used now, and the remaining N to N+Q-1 coordinates 
contains coords that lie on the faces/edges of the mesh.  And N through 
N+Q-1 is ordered by cell index grouping.

That seems fine.  How would the .xml file look?  Perhaps this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<dolfin xmlns:dolfin="http://www.fenics.org/dolfin/";>
   <mesh celltype="triangle" dim="2" map_type="P2">

     <vertices size="4">
       <vertex index="0" x="0.0"  y="0.0"/>
       <vertex index="1" x="1.0"  y="0.0"/>
       <vertex index="2" x="0.0"  y="1.0"/>
       <vertex index="3" x="-1.0" y="0.0"/>

     <cells size="2">
       <triangle index="0" v0="0" v1="1" v2="2"/>
       <triangle index="1" v0="3" v1="0" v2="2"/>

     <higher_order_vertices size="5">
       <vertex index="4" x="0.5"  y="0.05"/>
       <vertex index="5" x="0.6"  y="0.6"/>
       <vertex index="6" x="0.0"  y="0.5"/>
       <vertex index="7" x="-0.5" y="0.5"/>
       <vertex index="8" x="-0.5" y="0.0"/>

     <higher_order_cells size="2">
       <triangle index="0" affine="false" v0="4" v1="5" v2="6"/>
       <triangle index="1" affine="true"  v0="8" v1="6" v2="7"/>


Or should it be grouped by triangle face?  This also should be 
extensible to say cubic edges, or even higher.

> The other option would be to store all coordinates for the first cell,
> then the second etc, but I think it's advantageous to store all vertex
> coordinates first since that is what we mostly use.

That's fine.

- Shawn
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