On Mon, 25 Aug 2008, Jed Brown wrote:

> It would be nice to store and manipulate the coordinates just like any
> other Function.  Suppose the basis operations accept (in some way) a
> NULL coordinate vector which means that the element Jacobian is the
> identity everywhere.  That way you could manipulate mesh geometry by
> evaluating forms to construct a new geometry Function.  Then register
> this new Function (i.e. compute associated element Jacobians, required
> facet normals).

I agree it would be nice.  But this function would need to feed into 
various routines, like Tabulate_Tensor.  Would this just become part of 
the `w' coefficient vector?  Or would there need to be another input to 
these routines?  Or could the cell class contain this?  I will have to 
think about it some more...

- Shawn

> Not all operations make sense without coordinates, but basis evaluation,
> derivatives, and integration in the element interior still do.  I think
> treating the coordinates as a special case would duplicate a lot of
> code.
> Of course in the pre- and post-processing you still need to be able to
> handle `normal' mesh descriptions.  For preprocessing, this means
> projecting nodal coordinates into the finite element basis.  They will
> normally be exactly representable in the FE basis so an elementwise (DG)
> projection would be sufficient (in the nodal case, it can just be
> evaluation).  Going the other way is just point evaluation (or a
> continuous Galerkin projection).
> Thoughts?
> Jed

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