The following page has been updated:

The changes are as follows.




*** 24,31 ****

       * [DEL: Parsing of command-line arguments :DEL]
       * [DEL: Load parameters from file (might work, needs testing),
         perhaps search default directories for parameter file :DEL]
!      * Only set default argument values in header file of base class, not
!        in subclasses, not in .cpp files
       * [DEL: Move to new parameter system :DEL]
       * [DEL: Parsing of nested parameters
         --krylov_solver.relative_tolerance 1e-16 :DEL]
--- 24,30 ----

       * [DEL: Parsing of command-line arguments :DEL]
       * [DEL: Load parameters from file (might work, needs testing),
         perhaps search default directories for parameter file :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Remove default arguments in virtual functions :DEL]
       * [DEL: Move to new parameter system :DEL]
       * [DEL: Parsing of nested parameters
         --krylov_solver.relative_tolerance 1e-16 :DEL]
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