Hello Filip, hello dom4j developers!

I have some problems/aspects with dom4j and want to add some code to the
project to fix this. The problems are:

1. XPath 2.0
In the Moment there is a fix use of Jaxen in the XPath API. I want to
use the XPath implementation of Saxon. To do this I have added JAXP
methods to the XPath interface. Then I have implemented this with JAXP.
There are now parallel methods for variable and function contexts for
JAXP and Jaxen (to not break the interface). May be in the future (dom4j
2.0) it will be an good idea to use only the JAXP interfaces and write
Jaxen implementations for them!?

2. Access to all namespaces used by the document for XPathes
It is needed to add all namespaces from the document to the xpath, to
work correct with namespaces. This also need the ability to add new
prefixes for URIs, if there are default namespaces or doubled prefixes.
I have added such an class and the access to it in document interface
(and the AbstractDocument implementation). The element implementation
(AbstractElement) adds namespaces to this object if added to the
element. (removing is an aspect, that is not addressed)

What is the preferred way for you to add (and update) this code?

Viele Grüße / best regards

Marc Pellmann (Software Architect)

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