very well put Thor but may I add a few things?  The Doobie Brothers brought
us all together and we thank them.  Through our love for them and their
music we have become a family and as such we share in each others lives;
both joy and sorrow.  We are never rude to each other, even if we don't
always agree and  I, for one, love this club and look forward to the posts
from the members.  It's like getting a letter from home.  I know rules 1 and
2 but I also know that things like wishing a happy birthday to someone,
posting good wishes to Pete Dubin, trying to get blood donated for persons
needing it and caring about each other is vital to the life of this club. If
we don't care about each other, how can we truly share in our love for the
Doobie Brothers and their music?
----- Original Message -----
From: Thor Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: This is gettin' rediculous!

> One of the best classes I ever had in college was on group dynamics. In
> fact, I think I use the information gained there more often in all facets
> life than anything else I shucked out tuition bucks for.
> And this e-mail group is a classic example right up and down the line of
> groups work. There are leaders and followers, those who speak out and
> who hold back, those who agree and those who differ.
> In essence, the Doobie Brothers and their music is what brought all
> in this community. Along the way, we learn other things about each other
> want to celebrate that among ourselves. In our every-day lives, we
> ourselves with groups (workmates, friends, neighbors) that first brought
> together in just one way. Over time, those connections evolve and expand.
> we don't like the way they're heading, we find new places of association.
> One thing I do know is that over their 30-year history, the Doobie
> haven't solely given us their music. They've given their time and talents
> help with a host of worthwhile causes. It's that spirit that I think the
> club has strongly gravitated toward in recent years.
> Do I relish each and every posting to the list? No. And I don't expect
> fan club member to gush over something I post. But I do know that I relish
> being able to have a place to turn to hear from like-minded souls as
> It's all part of being a piece of a community.
> BTW: The radio verion of PGLA is for sale right now on ebay. I saw it
> earlier this morning with no bid yet on it.
> --Thor
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