Well, Mr. Moseley,
With all due respect sir, I guess to each his own, but, quite frankly, I think I speak 
for the majority of our fan club members in saying that charity goes hand in hand with 
the Doobies.  You know, Do be a Doo-bie?
This is one of the things I love so much about the Doobies and this club: their caring 
spirit.  The Blood drive IS a Doobie theme!  It's about "people gotta love again" and 
"you don't know me but I'm yo brotha" and "what the people need is a way to make them 
smile".  They write sweet songs and they are caring people.  Thor and Helen and 
Lauren, you stated my sentiments exactly and I am sure if Pat Simmons or any of the 
other band members had the time to write, they would say it too.  Ever since I was 14, 
I wished for a REAL Doobie Brothers fan club and now that I've found it, it's like 
coming home.  I've been on this list almost 1 year to this date and this group of 
people and the Doobies are the most wonderful, selfless people in the world. Thank God 
for that! I love what we're doing here.  Open your heart, Mr. Moseley, or as the 
Doobies say, "Dedicate your heart."
Lovin my Doobies and the club,

On Fri, 05 Jan 2001 13:45:51  
 Richard Moseley wrote:
>What's all this stuff about?
>It's supposed to be a fanclub set up to discuss The Doobie Brothers and 
>their MUSIC! What were the 2 rules again?
>Listen, some of ya will probably get back bitchin'  on this but I don't care 
>- someone has to put things strait. Whether any of us carry donor cards or 
>give blood or sell our soul to the devil every month to pay the bills has 
>NOTHING to do with the Doobies! I joined this club to learn about the 
>Doobies and to hear from others on their views on music and shows. Good 
>causes or not good causes - it is irrelevant!
>And while I'm on my soap-box, why can't you wish happy birthday personally 
>and NOT to the list, like it was agreed a while back. At least when someone 
>used to do the monthly thing it was only ONE email a month to the club!
>OK so you say just hit delete if not interested - I'm FED UP hitting delete! 
>Has no one anything else to say about the band?
>I can't remember who started all this blood donor stuff and don't care - I 
>give blood but it's no-ones damn business but my own aND NOTHING TO DO WITH 
>ANy idea where I can pick up the Radio Edit of Ppeople Gotta Love Again?  
>That's what I wanna know! Like it's Doobie-related, y'know?
>Right, if I've offended ya - tuff! Somebody's gotta say it.
>I'll crawl back under my stone again now, till I'm pissed about somehting 
>C ya!
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