What's Your D.B.Q? (Doobie Brother's Quotient) this test measures the amount of space 
the Doobies take up in your inner consciousness. (a euphemism for how obsessed you 
are)   To Score, a=3 pts b=2 c=1 d=0
1.  I had all the songs to Sibling Rivalry memorized in
a) 1 day 
b) 1 week 
c) 1 month
d) I don't have them memorized.  I don't listen to the words.
2.  As a teenager, I used to pretend there was a real DB fan club.
a) always
b) sometimes
c) never
3. At some point in my life I've had:
a) every DB album ever made
b) almost every DB album 
c) less than 3 of them
4. During DB concert, I usually:
a)stand up and dance, play air guitar and get arrested.
b) shake a little in my seat
c)) sit patiently and listen until the end of a song, then applaud
5. I forfeit basic needs like food and house payments just so I can go to Doobie 
Brothers concerts, conventions and collect memorabilia:
a) always
b) sometimes
c) never
6. I believe that:
a) I was a Doobie Brother/Sister in one of my past lives
b) the Doobie Brothers are just a great band, that's all.
c) I just lurk
7. I post and read on the Doobie list often because:
a) I am lonely for a concert
b) it is better for me than doing drugs
c) my fingers need the exercise
8. When I am a public place(grocery store, dentist's office, restaurant) and a Doobie 
song is played, I:
a) dance, sing, point to the speakers and tell others around me, "hey! that's the 
Doobie Brothers!"
b) hum the melody softly to myself
c) ackowledge the song and block it out. 

Good luck! 

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