--OOps!  Sorry, Karen and everyone.  Math is not my friend.  I screwed up on the 
scoring I guess.  So you're a baby, eh Karen?  AND a hard core-doobiefan?  
aaaww..that's so cute!  Ok you babies out there, the test is skewed to us old farts so 
everybody just give yourself 10 extra points!  (Karen, since you're a Californian, 
give yourself 20)  There, does that help?
hee hee again...

On Sun, 7 Jan 2001 05:39:33   
 Doobfanlonglady wrote:
>I object!  #2 doesn't count!  When I was a teenager the Doobies weren't 
>playing.....whoops, that really makes me ancient, but I have been a fan 
>needing a Doobie Brothers FIX reagularly since China Grove, thanks to a 
>stepson I had at the time.  And when I demanded he come to Universal and see 
>the Doobies with me in about 1994, he said he knew he would be able to 
>survive the concert but not sure if he could survive ME at the concert.  He 
>later changed his opinion and thanked me profusely for taking him and said he 
>really enjoyed getting up and grooving with me!  Those were really the good 
>old days!
>Anyway, not counting #2 or #7 (can't remember why now) I scored only 14......
>Karen in California

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