Without you "guys" and "gals", I could not do my job......enjoy the festivities.

Dr.Michael A. Gardner

Voicemail/fax: (510) 496-2740 x2097  

---- "gina dorman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I invite everyone to join me today in celebration of National Nurse's
> Day.  To all of the nurses here on the Doobie list: Anne Anderson,
> Ann Rice, Susan Kingsly (a student nurse), Janet Rose and any other
> unsung heros I do not know about, HAPPY NURSE'S DAY!!!
> This year, the average age of practicing registered nurses in the US
> was 44.5 years old. This means in the next 20 years when we angels
> of mercy retire, who will be there to take care of all the aging baby-boomers?
>  (Doobie Brothers and lots of their fans included...LOL) 
> If you think nurses aren't that important and doctors are enough, consider
> this:  the average doctor spends 5 minutes with a patient.  Nurses?
>  1 hour per patient!
> So today, don't forget to hug your favorite nurse.
> And now...back to work.
> Gina
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> http://businesscards.lycos.com/vp/fastpath/
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