> Let's keep it Doobie - oriented, y'all.  This is getting ridiculous.

Before this gets out of hand I'd like to speak for the fan club if I may.

Ron, I know what you're saying about keeping it Doobie oriented, but you
have to realize that many people on this list have been here for years
and this list is more than just a "fan club". Occasionally there will be
posts that are off topic, but they are usually posted with good
intentions by people who care STRONGLY for their friends on this list.

There is no way to keep it 100% Doobie oriented when you have the type
of bonding and the special friendships that have been formed on this
list. This is not like your typical average Rock 'n' Roll mailing list.
It's very unique and to be a part of it you have to endure some
off-topic posts to find the true gems that you won't find elsewhere. The
depth of knowledge of many of the members here is stunning! The news and
information you get here can NOT be found anywhere else on the Web, period.

Just wait until there is another Doobie Birthday. You'll see posts like:

"Happy B-Day Tommy!"

And then someone else will post:

"Yeah, Happy B-Day Tommy!"

And then before you know it, you've got 50 messages in your in-box
telling Tommy how much we love him. It isn't going to stop but you WILL
hit the delete key and stay on the list because of the contributions by
the people that know this band MORE thoroughly than some of the members
of the Doobie's themselves!

Please try and understand where people are coming from and know that you
can't enforce rules about what should and what shouldn't be posted on a
mailing list. All you can do is hope that it's kept to a minimum and
enjoy the ride. There is much knowledge and happiness to be found
amongst the off-topic stuff on this amazing list.

Proud member since '97.
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