A little trivia fro the Canadian cousins,did you know Ann Murray has perfect

In a message dated 6/8/01 12:27:27 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< Hey! Gordon Lightfoot is CANADIAN and had a lot of good material!! Just
 be watching what you say, or us Canucks will have to come down there and
 force you to listen to him, Anne Murray, Bruce Cockburn, Bryan Adams, Sarah
 McLaughlin, Leonard Cohen, and a dozen others for days on end. (But we will
 play the Doobs in there too. We may be mean, but we're not heartless. For
 proof of that, you'll note that I didn't include Celine Dion)  >>

  Yahooooooooooooooooo....sounds like a brawl is a-brewin! Hehehehehe....
  I meant NO DISRESPECT to our Breathen From The North, and Gordon Lightfoot

may indeed have TONS of good stuff out there, just obviously not top 10 that

that the US market plays............ (He) It was just a comparison, kinda 
like GLAD WRAP as compared to SARAN WRAP.
  Peace, HollyJ   <~~~~ bleeds easily
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