>- Simon O'Riordan wrote:
>> Hello Archie,
>> I've got the HP Mini with Suse, but there is(obviously) no optical drive.

>> How do you put 9.04 onto it?

- Sean wrote:
>When I put UNR on my son's Acer One I transferred the image to a usb
>stick and booted off that.

As type I'm sticking a distro onto a USB drive to boot; pun intended.  In
order to boot off a USB drive you need to place the contents of an iso image
(most distros seem to come on live CDs these days) onto the USB drive, the
drive must then be made 'bootable'.  I tend to take the brain away from this
and use UNetbootin: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/

It's self explanatory, and mostly up to date.  It will even download a live
CD for you and place it on the drive.

Then just set your bios to boot from USB...


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