Hi Clive,

> Ubuntu 9.10 installed on new PC and Laptop up-dated, majority is fine
> but problem with Xsane and my scanner.  It worked OK under 9.04 but
> not on 9.10, any ideas please?
> Details are:
> Xsane 0.996
> sees scanner as Lide 50 with genesys:libusb:002:003
> Gnome 2.28.1  Kernal 2.6.31-15-generic
> select 'scan',
> short wait then xsane window(s) grey out
> approx: 30secs 'Failed to start scanner: Error during device I/O'

Could it be the new system doesn't have the same permissions set up as
the old, so you, as a normal user, don't have access to the scanner?

It may be worth trying

    sudo scanimage -d genesys:libusb:002:003 --format pnf >scan.pnf

to see if this may be the problem.  I got the idea from
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=957822 although I don't know
about the wiseness of the rest of the advice.  But at least this would
be a first step.



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