On 10/12/09 12:33, John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:
> On 10/12/09 11:38, Tim Allen wrote:
>> Re 28 day/30 day window:
>> http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/readme.html#abuse
>  From reading that, my interpretation is that an "abusive" update is an 
> update containing the same IP address.  "Dozens" of these are allowed 
> before an account is blocked, to allow for things like setting up new 
> clients, etc.  An update of the same IP address is allowed every 28 days 
> in order to avoid the 30 day inactivity timeout.  However, if your 
> address changes more frequently than every 30 days you will not have any 
> problems.
Yes, obviously being unable to update with a new IP address would make 
the service useless. Also, I agree that there has to be, and is, leeway 
on this - for a start I doubt the clients remember the last update 
across a machine reboot.


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