Peter Merchant wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-01-09 at 19:21 +0000, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for including me. Pls let me know re any meetings in Bmth. Am
>>> also looking for (printed) handbk on Ubuntu.
>> Welcome to the mailing list, Ron.  There will be a Bournemouth pub
>> meeting in February.
>>     Next meeting at Bournemouth: Wednesday 2010-02-03 20:00.
>> There's normally an email or two giving a reminder sent to the mailing
>> list nearer the time.
>> As for an Ubuntu handbook, I don't have a particular recommendation.  I
>> know there are various ones in print.  And perhaps some are also
>> available to download.  Alex Bebb found
>>     The Official Ubuntu Book, 4th Ed.
>> which covers version 9.04 of Ubuntu but 9.10's now been released.
>> Perhaps one of the others on the list can recommend something?
>> Cheers,
>> Ralph.
> See You in February. There is no Printed manual for Ubuntu. Ask Your
> questions here, if you can't find them in the Forums or the Ubuntu Wiki
> Documentation.
> eg. In Kubuntu 9.10, I used to have a printer, Laserjet 5M, but it now
> doesn't work, I have removed it and re-installed it, and checked all the
> connections, 
> and get "There was an error during the CUPS operation:
> 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'." when I try to do a self
> test. 
> Any body else had similar problems? I suspect one of the upgrades.
> Peter M.

My HP LJ6P works fine, have you tried using that one as I don't think 
there's much difference between them.


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