Hi Ralph,

2010/1/10 Victor Churchill <victorchurch...@gmail.com>:
> 2010/1/9 Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk>:
>> Hi Victor,
>>> (OT) - incidentally, I don't seem to have seen the mails from Ralph in
>>> my Gmail inbox. ...
>> I don't know why that would be the case.  Presumably, you don't get this
>> one either?  Is it filed somewhere other than your inbox, e.g. spam?
> Wrong, I did get the above one Ralph.
> You got it with your spam suggestion. I don't know what it was that
> you said that Mr Google thought was dodgy, but there you were among
> the other business-, life- and prowess-enhancing opportunities ;-)

Strangely enough I've had at least 3 emails, sent directly to me, get
put in Mr Googles Spam Bin in the last week, so it looks as though
Ralph has somehow managed to upset the Google Spam Filter !!

Some time ago Ralph and I had an issue with the DLUG website being
Blocked by my then employers Web Filter, could it be something similar
to that Ralph ??

> so that's all right then.
> cheers
> victor


Cheers Peter

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