Peter Merchant wrote:
> Is anyone else having problems with Kubuntu since the latest set of
> updates? 
> I now have the problem that as soon as I boot up and log in, it tells me
> that it has disabled my sound card and replaced it with one that doesn't
> work, and the wireless connection will not come up. When I select my
> wireless connection - nothing. 
> I put a note about it on the Linked-in forum. 
> However, it seems as if I boot the machine up, leave it for approx ten
> minutes (make and have coffee), log in, leave it for a few more minutes,
> (paint a door) then everything is OK. Here I am. 
> Yours,
> Confused of Colehill.
When I installed the latest version of Mint that both wired and wireless 
connections wouldn't start when the system was booted and the system 
seemed terribly sluggish. Removing and reloading the kernel modules 
wouldn't get them going; neither would bringing the interfaces up and 
down. Looking through dmesg showed that the NIC's were in a deep sleep 
or couldn't be awakened (Sorry, can't remember the exact error).
Googling led me to amending the grub entry and adding the pci=use_crs 
option a a fix.
I'm not sure how related this is to your issue but it could be worth a try.

More info in this here :


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