Hi Peter,

> >     
> > http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/127/how-to-control-fan-speed-lm-sensors-in-ubuntu
> Thanks to everyone for their input. I looked at the reference above to
> ubuntumanual, which starts with pwmconfig. 

I think it says to gets sensors(1) working first.  Although I'm not sure
the instructions on the page it links to are up to date.

> The results of that are: 
> /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed
> pet...@peterm-desktop:~$ 

Part of gettings sensors(1) working is to load kernel modules.  Perhaps
it would help.

Have you tried

    sudo sensors-detect

That may come up with some modules that it suggests from /etc/modules at
the end.  Try loading each of them in turn.  So if it say `foo' and
`bar' do

    sudo modprobe foo
    sudo modprobe bar

If there's no errors, see if the output of `sensors' has now improved
compared to before the sensors-detect.  Then try pwmconfig again.

> So I guess I'll have to put up with the noise, or get out the
> wirecutters. 

I found snipping off the metal grill covering my case fan lessened some
of the noise.  The one that stops fingers getting to it.


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