Hi Tim,

> sdc1 465gb ntfs
> sdc2 440gb ext3
> sdc3 491gb ext3
> But now I have a couple of problems, first, as soon as I turn the PC
> on it places an expansion drive (which is the name of the drive)

I wasn't aware drives can have names, but I am a bit out of touch.  Do
you mean this is a name you gave the drive?  Or something the machine
knows from the manufacture?  You can give partitions labels, and UUIDs,
and a drive can have a 32-bit identifier.

> icon on the desktop which is sdc1, there is no references to sdc in my
> fstab file, how can I stop this.

I suspect it's because the USB drive is classed as "removable media",
like a USB stick, and it's trying to be helpful and puts a GUI icon on
the Desktop when it spots it.

To see what IDs a partition, not a drive, has you can try one of

    sudo vol_id /dev/sdc1
    sudo blkid /dev/sdc1

You can give labels to your ext3 partitions with

    sudo tune2fs -L foo /dev/sdc2

And then the other names the kernel knows the partition by can be seen

    ls -l /dev/disk/by-*/* | grep sdc1

Although I'm don't think much of this helps with your main problem.


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