Hi Clive,

> So it's complaining that /tmp/.X11-unix exists but it isn't a
> directory that has `drwxrwxrwt' as its permissions.  That directory is
> created by /etc/rcS.d/S70x11-common so for some reason that either
> isn't working, or it's work is being trampled afterwards.

There's been some progress.  I've raised a bug on the `chmod 1777' in
/etc/init.d/x11-common that attempts to set the permissions on
/tmp/.X11-unix to drwxrwxrwt.

(If you think that should work, given we're root, think again before the
spoiler in the bug report.  :-)


> and what does
>     ls -ld / /tmp /tmp/.X11-unix
> show now, when it's all working?

Clive, it would be helpful if you were to do that command just before
shutting down and record the result.  Then we'd be able to see if
there's a pattern that matches whether the following boot works or not.
I'd suggest

    (date; ls -ld / /tmp /tmp/.{ICE,X11}-unix) >>ralph.txt

If you wish, after a successful boot you can edit the file and add an
"OK" line.


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