On 10/10/10 17:09, Terry Coles wrote:
> On Sunday 10 Oct 2010, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>>> Wunderbar! I have ABSOLUTELY NO DESKTOP WHATSOEVER. 10.10 is a console!
>> ...angels fear to tread.
>> Why not wait a week?
> I didn't and (so far) I seem to have a pretty good installation.
> I did a clean install of Kubuntu, keeping my /home partition.  I've still got 
> to reinstall all the packages that I need that don't come with the live disc, 
> so something might yet break.  However all my winges from 10.04 seem to be 
> fixed.
> Standby for the new winges ;-)

On the point of effectively cloning an Ubuntu or Debian instance in
terms of the installed packages after a clean install, I have used this
method in the past:

- run the command 'dpkg –get-selections > ./selectionfile' on the
machine to be cloned
- when the base install has finished on the other machine copy the
“selectionfile” across to it (or stash it in your /home partition)
- update the repositories according to your requirements and then run
the command 'dpkg –set-selections < ./selectionfile && apt-get
dselect-upgrade' on the new build

Of course, this only installs the packages and any configuration of
those packages will be lost without it backing up on the old machine and
restoring it on the new.

These days though I tend to not bother with the above, and do a fresh
install with every release (usually from the beta - talk about
impatient!), and then restore the additional packages as and when I need
them, figuring if they don't get reinstalled it's because they're no
longer needed!


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