On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:46:37 +0100, Brian Masterman <b...@seahues.net> wrote:

I have an old laptop that I wish to install Linux on with audacity for recording purposes.

All the modern distros fail as the are too heavy on ram and disks etc.

I cry rubbish. Stop trying to enable Gnome/KDE with desktop effects and start looking at what you really need.

My laptop is often clocked at 900Mhz while I use it and I regularly run virtual machines with 256MB or less of RAM with no real problems.

Other than audacity what else do you need?

I would look to setup the laptop with XDM as the login manager. Dropping the user to a lighweight desktop, openbox (or one of the family) maybe even a tiling WM.

Check you've got useless services disabled, thought these will be eating more RAM than CPU. Do you really need apache, mysql or similar running (or even installed) I highly doubt it.

Have fun.

Robert Bronsdon

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