On 08/04/11 14:12, Brian R Masterman wrote:
Thanks for the advise.

The Toshiba Satellite 1000 has a limited memory of 512MB due to the old
style DIMMs.
I wanted to use Audacity as it allows editing out bits of the recordings
and saving as mp3.
Had a lot of trouble putting Puppy on it, had to use an old build as the
latest would not go on.
DSL was a right pain to install.

In the end, I decided to flog the laptop to someone who only wanted an
Internet browser.
(The factory build disks gave MS XP Home - no updates). Linux lost this

Brian M.

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I'm surprised you had trouble with Puppy. The min RAM is 128MB


If you put XP on it, why didn't you install Audacity on that?


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