i have considered programming in the past, i know html which is easy and i 
bought a book from pcworld which teaches you how to use microsoft visual studio 
and program visual basic on windows through a GUI interface. 
but i wouldnt know where to start on linux , can anyone tell me would i be 
working from the command line which can be tedious or is linux programming done 
on an integrated development environment like visual studio? 
i have an oreilly book called unserstanding the linux kernel which i find too 
difficult, can anyone recommend an entry level book?

 From: Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk>
To: Dorset Linux User Group <dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk> 
Sent: Saturday, 16 February 2013, 12:13
Subject: Re: [Dorset] opensource projects
Hi Nicky,

Adrian Howard wrote:
> * You might want too look at some of the more ops-related projects
> (chef, puppet, vagrant, etc.)

As an aside, http://ansible.cc/ is another in the chef/puppet area.

> I'd also - in the long term - think a bit about not wanting to code.
> More and more stuff in the ops field need some developer skills to go
> along with the ops skills.

Agreed.  Even a pure sys. admin. needs to be able to investigate
problems, set up ad hoc monitoring, poke around data, read the source of
a program to fill in the documentation's gaps, and analyse a running
program, e.g. strace(1).  Ability to knock together shell scripts and a
couple of dozen lines of Python is very handy.  It's a bit like
debugging a program but on a bigger scale;  the OS and all the
dynamically-loaded plugins it's running, commonly known as programs.

Cheers, Ralph.

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