On 16 February 2013 15:44, Nicky Scopes <nrts...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> but i wouldnt know where to start on linux , can anyone tell me would i be 
> working from the command line which can be tedious or is linux programming 
> done on an integrated development environment like visual studio?

There are IDEs in the Linux world. Eclipse would probably be the one
with the biggest mind share and it has plugins for most languages.
There are also a bunch of language specific ones (Komodo for Python,
Padre for Perl, etc.)

I'd personally say that you'd probably be better off starting with
whatever your text editor of choice is and go on from there if you
find that you hit problems you think and IDE would help with.

> i have an oreilly book called unserstanding the linux kernel which i find too 
> difficult, can anyone recommend an entry level book?

Kernel hacking is very definitely not the easiest place to start ;-)

For ops work you probably want to look towards one of the scripting
languages - Python, Perl or Ruby - as a useful and easier to learn
first language. Of the three Python and Ruby are seen as more modern
and relevant than Perl (that's personally an opinion I disagree with
but it's common enough that it needs mentioning ;-)

Perl - http://learn.perl.org/ will give you many pointers. Of the
books on http://learn.perl.org/books/ I'd especially recommend the
O'Reilly "Learning Perl" and chromatic's "Modern Perl" (the latter is
also available as a free ebook).

Python - http://www.diveintopython.net/ is a good free Python ebook,
but it's more aimed at people who already know another language. You
may find http://www.python.org/doc/ and especially
http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide of use.

Ruby - Lots of stuff here http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/.
On the book front you might find Brian Marick's "Everyday Scripting
with Ruby" of interest since it's more aimed at enabling you get get
useful things done than teach the language (although it does that


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