Hi Nicky,

> but i wouldnt know where to start on linux , can anyone tell me would
> i be working from the command line which can be tedious or is linux
> programming done on an integrated development environment like visual
> studio? 

Unix likes to have many things that work together more, and that
includes the text editor, rather than have a single monolithic IDE so
you'll find lots of Unix users stick with a text editor.  IDEs do exist
though but you may be cocooning yourself from what it is you'd benefit
from learning and you could as well be on something non-Unix.

> i have an oreilly book called unserstanding the linux kernel which i
> find too difficult, can anyone recommend an entry level book?

I'd echo others in saying Python would be a good language to start with,
and you can use it on Windows as well as Unix so it may be easier to
encounter day to day.

The classic introduction to Unix programming is Kernighan and Pike's
_The Unix Programming Environment_, http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/upe/,
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/013937681X/ysk-21.  Still in
print and well-regarded over the years.  You won't find more modern
stuff like Python, Perl, or Ruby but more trying to get across the
philosophy of the Unix way of doing things.  Pricey, but there are used
ones around.

Or you may find Eric Raymond's _The Art of Unix Programming_ useful to
dip into.  Available online,
http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/taoup/html/, it doesn't try and teach
programming but instead examines why things are arranged as they are.

Cheers, Ralph.

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