On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:15:15 +0100, c...@pampru.org said:

> Any ideas or comments are always most welcome!

You may change your mind about that when you've read my comments...

You seem to be neither Windows nor Linux right now. 20 FAT32 partitions
per drive *for safety*? Four machines dual booting? Two versions of
Windows and at least one Linux?

Best way to learn a language: move to where it's spoken natively. Learn to
think in the other language, not translate everything [anecdote below].

My suggestion to you is to pick either Windows or Linux, and stick with
that. If you want to, you can do everything in Linux. People have lots of
reasons why they still need Windows, but they mostly boil down to "they
still want Windows". If you want Windows, use it; if you want to use
Linux, use that.

Anecdote: my wife is Swedish, and has only ever spoken to our daughter in
Swedish. So, from when she could speak, daughter has been bilingual. Until
she was about four, she couldn't translate from one language to the other.
I'd ask her what Mummy had said; she's look at me as if I were stupid and
tell me it was SWEDISH so I wouldn't understand. From about four, she
realised she could re-state the same intelligence in a different way. I
think that's fascinating (but irrelevant to your post, Charles, sorry).
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