On 14/08/2013 21:28, Ted Frater wrote:

Im not up to date on the latest laptop deals, but for what   the
following might help.
1stly the Dell inspiron range has always   been the consumer grade.
Their business grade are the Latitude series.
Those have a far superior build quality and Ive used a D800 for the past
3 yrs, its been faultless.

Dell also have the Vostro range of laptops and desktops which are intended for smaller businesses. They are better made than the Inspirons and don't have the Latitude features that only larger corporates will want. My main client has a number of Vostro laptops and desktops, and they are well made and reliable.

Although not relevant here, the Windows installations on Vostros don't have as much junkware as Inspirons. Often just an anti-virus trial, Google desktop and sometimes the Microsoft Office 60 day trial.

I don't know whether they are a good choice for Linux though.

Best regards,
Paul Stenning

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