Hi Folks,

> > Would the Redo disk work if M$ is not available?
> Redo (http://redobackup.org/) is a 100% Linux Live distro and has no
> requirement for MS stuff.
> In fact, when the disc failed it was the Windows partition that had the
> bad sectors, so I was
> able to recover lots of data from the D: drive using the file manager that
> comes as part of the
> distro.  I could even test the C: drive and find out which sectors were
> bad and I could (if I'd
> wanted to) have recovered files from the C: drive too.  Windows wouldn't
> even boot.
> I think everyone should carry a copy of Redo (or a similar distro) even if
> they mainly use
> Windows.

I quite agree with Terry here, having a Live distro, (it doesn't even
particularly matter which one), on CD or USB Flash Stick that you can use
to recover files from a shafted Hard Disk is definitely a good idea, it's
got me out of the Do Do several times.

> > May take a 'Live Disk' to Novatech and try it out on their laptops. Have
> > a trip up the Tower while there?
> That is probably a pretty good plan.  It might be worth phoning first to
> make sure that there is
> a wireless connection available to try out.

I'd go further than saying it was a pretty good idea, because the reason
Linux users have problems with WiFi is the drivers for the WiFi chipset, so
you can ONLY test the suitability of any particular computer by actually
trying to run up the WiFi connection from and actual Linux boot !

Hope that helps :-)


Cheers Peter
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