On 11/01/16 12:19, Terry Coles wrote:
> We have a physical solution and the code is fairly trivial, but my main 
> concern is the fact that once 
> implemented, the Pi would have to run unattended for most of the time and 
> also withstand having the 
> power removed without a formal shutdown every evening (or if there is a power 
> cut).  Clearly, this would 
> put the integrity of the data on the SD Card at risk.
> Can anyone see any problems with this approach or suggest a better way?

Terry, to be honest the description of the requirement suggests the Pi
is overkill (IMHO), in my "intelligent"
pump controller project I completed when my house was being assailed by
flood wher I started with this
approach but ended up with a v.cheap arduino board.  The code being in
on-board flash.

Opps that takes me off-topic for a Linux group :-)

Best regards,


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