On Monday 11 January 2016 12:35:40 Simon P Smith wrote:
> On 11/01/16 12:19, Terry Coles wrote:
> > We have a physical solution and the code is fairly trivial, but my main
> > concern is the fact that once implemented, the Pi would have to run
> > unattended for most of the time and also withstand having the power
> > removed without a formal shutdown every evening (or if there is a power
> > cut).  Clearly, this would put the integrity of the data on the SD Card
> > at risk.
> > 
> > 
> > Can anyone see any problems with this approach or suggest a better way?
> Terry, to be honest the description of the requirement suggests the Pi
> is overkill (IMHO),

Funnily enough, that is exactly what I said to Clive!  In fact his original 
solution consisted of a timer relay 
to just do the house lights and I thought that would be fine.  However, when he 
started talking about 
controlling 'daylight', I accepted that a bit of intelligence would make things 
easier and certainly more 
flexible to allow additions to the functionality in the future.

> in my "intelligent" pump controller project I completed when my house was
> being assailed by flood wher I started with this approach but ended up with
> a v.cheap arduino board.  The code being in on-board flash.

I also thought of Arduino, but I have no experience with it, whereas I have 
played around with the Pi.  
>From my recollection of the Arduino, from when we used one at work some years 
>ago, I think that we 
would need to buy some kit to interface to it.

The nice thing about the Pi is that even now, everything has been done before 
and we can buy the 
hardware quite cheaply from CPC / element 14

> Opps that takes me off-topic for a Linux group :-)

All comments gratefully received.

        Terry Coles

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