On Saturday, 11 June 2016 22:50:03 BST C Wills wrote:
> At the last DLUG meeting I asked if anyone was having trouble when
> printing a PDF, as every time I print a PDf it produces a blank page
> after the last page ( a blank does not show on any print preview).
> Ralph had a look but all the usual suggestions did not provide an answer.
> Tonight I tried changing the default reader from Evince to Ocular and no
> extra page was printed!  To confirm I printed the same file again with
> Evince - blank page printed!

I didn't have Evince installed by default on Kubuntu 16.04, so I put it on and 
printed a single page with no problems.  I'm not sure if that helps but it 
presumably is either down to some interaction between Evince and Mint, or 
between Evince and your printer.

I believe you said that this had only occurred since you upgraded Mint, so I 
would investigate there first.

> I've not been able to find any setup options/properties in Evince; so my
> default is now Ocular.

I couldn't find any Setup Option in Evince either, but there is a menu item 
'Save current settings as default'.  Bizarre!

> If anyone can tell me if there is a setup in Evince for PDFs I'll try
> going back to the supported default.
> System used is Cinnamon Mint 17.3

Are there any system wide print settings in Mint?  There may be something in 

        Terry Coles


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