Hi Tim,

> From memory it's associated with the way Evince mishandles duplexing
> (ie it treats a non-duplex printer like Laserjet 6P as a duplex
> printer). Try printing a pdf with an even number of pages to confirm -
> you shouldn't get the blank page.

Perhaps this is what I was remembering;  I quizzed Clive in the pub
about odd v. even page documents and he said a blank appeared in both

> Currently using Evince 3.14.1 (Debian Jessie), and that has issues
> with scaling pages, which disappear if you do a print preview prior to
> printing!

Yesterday's Googling suggested some bugs related to the "scale to fit"
and "rotate to match paper" options as if evince does more intervention
in those cases and gets it wrong.

> Okular is OK

With the move away from Gnome, I've started using mupdf(1).  Very fast
rendering.  Lots of keyboard control.  `3m' sets mark 3, `3t' moves back
to it.  Plain `m' pushes the current page on the stack and `t' pops it.
Has somce nice filtering, e.g. greyscale, inverted, and tinting.  But I
don't think it prints!

> when it comes to scaling when printing and the comprehensive scaling
> options in Evince are completely missing in Okular.

I don't have a good command-line program for that.  pdftk(1) does a
bunch of things, but not N-up printing.  psnup(1) means going to
PostScript and back.  CUPS offers -o number-up={1,2,4,6,9,16} and I
think it can be configured to print to a PDF?  Anyone know of a good
command-line PDF-manipulation program?  (Hijacking Clive's thread a

Cheers, Ralph.

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