On Sunday, 2 April 2017 14:05:42 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> AIUI your program is doing this, with a few more bells and whistles.

Lots of bells, but no whistles.

> All these bits of code may have bugs where they leak memory in
> processing that endless stream and over time that leak will add up and
> memory will be exhausted.  Or, they might not have bugs because this is
> a well trodden, debugged, path.  Or it might be that it would take a
> week to be a problem because the leak is small and slow and your program
> never runs more than a day.
> You could leave your program running in tandem with `dstat -cdngym
> $((60*30))' that produces a line every half an hour and see if anything
> obviously degrades over time.

That wouldn't be very convenient to view, since the program is running 
headless and without any network interfaces enabled.

I'll try it here at home with a copy of the program, but I probably won't be 
able to leave it running for all that long.


                Terry Coles

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