On Sunday, 2 April 2017 14:13:02 BST Terry Coles wrote:
> > You could leave your program running in tandem with `dstat -cdngym
> > $((60*30))' that produces a line every half an hour and see if anything
> > obviously degrades over time.
> That wouldn't be very convenient to view, since the program is running
> headless and without any network interfaces enabled.
> I'll try it here at home with a copy of the program, but I probably won't be
> able to leave it running for all that long.

That's a bit of a non-flyer too, because dstat doesn't appear to be available 
in the Raspbian repositories.  Also, the software is running in the shell at 
boot up, so it would be difficult to view two things running.  (Would screen do 
it, I've only ever played around with it?)

Anyway 'free' works and tells me that I have just under 950MB of physical RAM 
to play with and immediately after boot-up about 125MB is used (well over 
double that in the desktop).

I'm going to leave the Pi running overnight (with the speakers turned off :-) 
) and run free again this time tomorrow.  Assuming the memory leaks aren't 
horrendous, I can probably work out a maintenance schedule for the staff to 
restart the system once a week or whatever.

As it happens the system has been running continuously since Thursday 
afternoon and no-one has phoned me up yet......


                Terry Coles

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