On Tuesday, 11 April 2017, at 12:16:44 BST, Terry Coles wrote:
> Thanks.  Now I can focus on the overheating.  We were trying to
> avoid any holes in the case for ventilation.

I don't want to jinx it, but you might find you have to drill 
some drainage holes anyway. Water is a sly opponent! I'd keep an 
eye on that.

If it's a totally sealed box, I would be inclined to at least put 
some dessicant in there to absorb the moisture that's trapped in 
the air inside, otherwise you might get condensation issues from 
the outside temperature fluctuations.

> It looks like I need to put a fan inside to help natural
> convection to shift the air from the Pi to the heatsink.

Is there a heatsink on the Pi's CPU? If there isn't, that would 
be fairly easy to add and would probably go a long way, if it is 
a thermal issue.


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