On Tuesday, 26 June 2018 13:44:23 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> About fifteen minutes ago I couldn't open that URL from home, and dig(1)
> couldn't resolve the domain name to an address to use.  dig also failed
> on a server in the USA.  Now it's OK and I've changed nothing.  Suggests
> it's not you and they're having intermittent problems, e.g. with their
> DNS entries.

I can't connect to it again, even though the Pi hasn't been connected since 
yesterday.  I was connecting OK earlier today.  So it's maybe nothing to do 
with the Pi.

> And did Chrome still fail soon after that?

Yes. and for the rest of the afternoon until I gave up and shut down.

> That would be a different DNS server, route, etc.

So the DNS Server used by Android perhaps kept its integrity for longer?

I'll have another look at the system and see if the routes that I've set up 
could cause any problems.  I have NAT on eth1, so presumably a machine on the 
Internet side of the Pi Router would not inadvertently pick up the route from 
my DNS server when I have set it up.  In short, my DNS server should only be 
available to the phones, tablets, etc that connect through our WiFi AP.  Do 
you agree.


                        Terry Coles

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