On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 10:46:19 BST David Wilkinson wrote:
> I'm surprised the ISP blamed the cable when only one site had an issue.
> I can't think of how they came that conclusion.
> Maybe they thought the cable had became sentient and look a dislike to
> raspberrypi.org :)

So was I!  I was simply reporting what they said; 'just in case'.  ;-)

> I haven't come across any issues with hot weather and and ethernet
> cables, $previousdayjob had cables outside for a wireless install and
> hot weather didn't seem both them. The wet weather however did, although
> that was due to them not using external CAT5 cable and it allowed water
> to get in and run down the cable to the switch, causing them to replace
> the cables with external rated cable.

Did they put in a drip loop?

I've used standard Cat 5 around this house for about 20 years now, with no 
problems that could be attributed to the cable.  At WMT we installed about 100 
m of armoured Cat 5, but around 30 m of that is buried and the rest is 
strapped to a fence.

==== Completely irrelevant anecdote Warning: =====

About 45 years ago, I was a young RN Artificer at RNAS Culdrose.  The squadron 
had installed a field telephone between the Line Office and the squadron 
buildings; a distance of around 2-300 metres.  For part of this distance the 
cables had been strapped to a barb wire fence.  This phone was very unreliable 
and as the 'Baby Tiff', I was given the job of sorting it out.  It didn't take 
long; the farmer had recently put his cows into the field on the other side of 
the fence and they quite liked the taste of the insulation.  :-)

> The issue looks to be that DNSSEC was removed from raspberrypi.org, the
> signed records were removed from the raspberrypi.org name servers before
> .org's servers stopped telling everyone that the zone was signed and
> before the cached records expired. (
> https://twitter.com/Mythic_Beasts/status/1011827917960155136 ) This
> caused raspberrypi.org to fail DNSSEC validation and your resolver would
> have been returning a servfail.

That's useful; so raspberrypi.org is maintained by 'Mythic Beasts'?  
Interesting name for a hosting company.

> Assuming the cached records have expired by now, it should be working again.

It wasn't first thing this morning, but it seems to be now.


                Terry Coles

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