On Tuesday, 9 October 2018 11:35:28 BST Graeme Gemmill wrote:
> 1.    The DS18S20 is a sensor I happened to have around unused. Tim is
> correct - it doesn't need/use the 5v.

It needs a power supply from somewhere; the Datasheet says that Vdd should be 
between 3 and 5.5 V.  Having said that, the device operates in 'Parasite Power 
Mode' if Vdd is grounded and derives it's supply from the voltage on the 1-
wire pull-up resistor.  It was still a stretch to imagine that PS voltage 
fluctuations were causing your problem, but still worth checking at the time.

> 2.    It WAS the freezer. I turned it off for two hours and the
> oscillation stopped and resumed after switching on again. The air in the

Glad to hear it.


                Terry Coles

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