Hi Tim,

> I have a NAS on my network and is accessed by two people [using NFS]
> and controlled by UAC set on the NAS.

That `UAC', user-access control, sounds a bit worrying.

> The NAS folder was setup with Group set as no group and user set as no
> user with Owner, Group and Other set to RW for all three.

It's as difficult to follow these descriptions of a GUI as it probably
is to write them.  Does the NAS have a concept of three users, you,
SWMBO, and ‘nobody’?

> I have 10 folders setup on the NAS, all containing sub-folders, from
> my PC 5 of these folder I can no longer access when mounted

‘Ditch the GUI’ is a generally useful bit of advice in these situations.
They're complex and can have bugs on unusual cases that fail to pass up
errors to the user.  What's the output on each of the two client
machines of

    id -u; id -ru; id -g; id -G
    cd /media/nas
    ls -lan

(Feel free to anonymise directory names *consistently* if you wish.)

And also from both of them for one of the directories that's giving you
gyp but not SWMBO

    getfacl -tn foo

Cheers, Ralph.

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