
Way back in 2001, I took out a SOHO contract with One and One.  I only ever 
used it for home use and the original purpose was to learn HTML (at Version 3 
or 4 then I think).

By and large, I've been perfectly happy with One and One, but recently, they 
have been using an underhand approach to spam me into buying more of their 

This is how it goes:

1.  I get an email entitled 'Security Warning - Action Required'.  Inside the 
email I'm told that a scan has identified Security problems with my website 
with a link to read the report.

2.  When I click on the link I get:

'Summary of Scan Results:

WordPress 2.7.0-4.7.4 - Insufficient Redirect Validation
In WordPress before 4.7.5, there is insufficient redirect validation in the 
class, leading to SSRF.'

There is a button to upgrade to 'fix' the problem.

The thing is that I've never used Wordpress in my life.  My website does use 
one or two tools that came with various versions of Kubuntu and in the 
earliest years I used a tool that came with Paint Shop Pro to create an image 
gallery.  As far as I can tell, none of those tools used Wordpress.

This first happened exactly one month ago and I complained about a false 
positive.  I got this:

'Thank you very much for submitting your query on 16.12.2019.
Unfortunately, as the issue is of an unusually complex nature, it has been
necessary to refer it to one of our specialist teams, but rest assured our
experts are already looking into it.'

The following day the action was closed without explanation and today I got 
exactly the same warning.

As a result, I now want to move my domain, website and email to another 
hosting provider.  Is this relatively easy, or relatively hard?


                Terry Coles

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